
My name is Dre (or for those back home, Andrea). My life has been nothing short of an intense journey of discovering who I am, let alone who I am in Christ. I am pretty raw and honest with where my spiritual journey is and how it looks. I am super insecure and doubt so much, but there is a hope that I continue to hold onto somehow, by the grace of God. Walk with me through the trenches in order to discover His glory.

One response

22 01 2016
Drie By Drie


Every time I read your posts, I just want to give you a big-ol’-teddy-bear hug. The vulnerability is so raw and the courage so intense. You are truly an inspiration.

I want to give you a quote that helped me out a lot the past year or so.
Success is not final
Failure is not fatal
It is the courage to continue that counts
-Winston Churchill

May God bless you on your journey.

In God’s love,

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